Guess who is this! She's a dearly missed friend called Chin Tao! She looks just so cool on this bike! Was just talking to her on MSN..and I realized I really miss her! One of my new year resolutions shall be to save up enough money and go Taiwan and visit her and other Taiwanese from SOT! She is a bubbly girl with a passionate heart to serve God! And she's the same age as me! Really miss hanging out with her and taking photos together!
Anyway, tomorrow is the first Christmas service! Can't wait! I believe it's gonna be more than fantastic!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Chin Tao!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Let the harvest come!
Today's catch was good! The journey was initially tough. There were barely any people around though there seem to be. Was kind of praying that Jesus would just appear in front of us and say, "Let down the nets into the deep", as how He told Simon Peter. Wheeee! That would be wonderful! But of course that didn't happen. Haha. Was also praying that our efforts will not be wasted. God was good! It drizzled but stopped. It was never heavy, and we could proceed on smoothly. Near to the last hour, things became more productive and we manage to get more "fish"! And seemingly good ones! Hopefully they are really so! Anyway, though it was really tiring, it was fun! Had a good time crapping and joking with Calvin. Haha. Let the harvest come! Amen.
Anyway, to Xinhong (author of the message below): Thanks for encouraging and always so willing to help! Thanks for always challenging me to reach greater heights and deny what others say are impossible! Thanks for being a source of inspiration and a channel of God's grace! Thanks for being such a great buddy in the Lord! :)
For Chew:
Courage is not the absence of fear - it is what you do inspite of your fear, discouragements and sadness. It's ok to screw up. What's not ok is to give up. Life's about making mistakes now and learning from them so that you won't make them next time. You are in this process of getting wiser and smarter. You are finding better ways to do things. You are going to have assiduity and bash right through whatever stands in your way. You have given me permission to push you to your limit. I promise you, I will. We will sit our asses down and learn to love what we do; we will jump out of bed every morning and have a hungry attitude. Inspire me too - inspire me to learn somemore.
Grades tell me nothing about your future. Your attitude does. You have a good attitude that is getting better with every semester. I have not seen a Chew Yan who has been more enthusiastic about her University education as I had seen this past term. You shall no longer waste your time. You set your mind on your goal of being excellent from the term starting 2 Jan 08 and we shall push forward until we reach our goal. Don't worry about when. Even if it is 10 years time, you would not stop until you reach your goal. I remind you that Jamie Dimon said something about there not being an age where you have to be successful at. People who are going to become successful will become successful because they have what it takes. Some earlier, some later (paraphrase). So I urge you to become that person, and not the grade chaser, because if you focus right, the results will follow.
You can do it. I absolutely believe that my grey matter is not superior to yours. It's just different. You are good at things I am utterly hopeless at. Keep the faith. Next year will be you best year yet.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Giving it our all...
Today, I went street surveying with Gerald and Calvin. It was not bad considered we got 15 names in about 1.5hrs given the unforgiving rainy weather. We went to Yio Chu Kang and Ang Mo Kio areas. We were initially quite intimidated and scared to approach the people, and started off targeting the individuals who were on their own. But gradually we took turns asking and began to warm up. It was fun, making jokes along the way. Calvin came up with our whole act as "fishing", which brought about much humour throughout the whole process. Maybe it's the way he said it. But truly, as much as it sounded quite hilarious, we realized this is also a spiritual connotation. We are commanded to be fishers of man, to go the highways and byways to bring the people into the feast and celebration. We need to fish for people. And we need to be ever more urgent, hungry and desperate for the harvest! The next round shall be and will be better!
Anw went for dinner at BBQ Chicken at Cineleisure with yiqian, meiqi, daniel and maurice. Took some funny shots with meiqi again. Haha, we shall have an album full of our own stupid photos man! The first two was taken yesterday after prayer meeting.

Pastor's message yesterday was tremendously impactful. Indeed it is the message for this season. At least for me, it is a very timely one. My revelation is to always always place my vision before my eyes. Let the vision be so distinctly visible, not just swimming or lurking ambiguously in the mind! Sometimes we thought we knew, but actually we don't. Or maybe we know or were once clear about it, but it became blur along the way and got mixed with doubts, and we lost the first touch of passion and excitement for it. And for the vision to fully materialize , it takes faith and prayer to birth it into the natural. All these takes time. If we can see it, we can have it! All things will fall into place at the right time.
REVELATIONS...hearing the spoken word..specially catered for our needs and situations...
Visions and dreams...We have to VISUALIZE, imagine..see it in the Spirit...
and finally...CONFESS the word, speak the vision...
breathe, walk and live the it has already happened...
and waiting for the spiritual realm to come to pass in the natural....
with FAITH and GRACE...
awaiting a deeper revelation, greater dreams and visions, a more glorious transformation...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Yikes I hate the rain today! It damaged my berks =X But today was a pretty fruitful day considering the fact I woke up at 10am. Gave 2 bible studies and went for tuition at night. I still haven got down to my desired lifestyle of exercising as frequently as I can. I guess putting the intention in the morning is seriously not a good and wise idea. I will have to crucify every fibre of my being to make morning exercise happen! Unless God performs a miracle. Haha.
Anyway yiqian, I'm really proud of you. I'm encouraged by the fact that by the grace of God, you emerge stronger, wiser, and loving God more after all that you went through. Keep on keeping on! :)
And cheuk, thanks so muchy again for changing my bloggy skin!!! You rock! =)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The END...and the beginning!
Today marks the end of my exams! Finally the long awaited freedom has arrived. I have actually been looking forward to this break! And one of the things I want to do is to update my blog. Yihan said I backslided..from blogging. Haha. Yea I truly did. Well, met up with Jac and Joce after exams and we went to watch The Enchanted together. It's a great movie! At least that's what I feel. Definitely something worth watching. It's a good thing I didn't insist in my own opinions of it being an unrealistic and waste-time-and-money movie. I realize I like the "bimbotic" humor by all the fairytale characters who eventually transcend into human beings through some magical powers. And how each one of them kept emerging from the same drain which is situated in the middle of a busy road. They rock my socks!!! Extremely hilarious. Haha. It's one good movie that can make you laugh consistently throughout. And Joce, I still think your reaction toward the cockroaches is very funnily cute. Haha
As much as it may seem a little bizarre to blend both fantasy and the real world together, the movie speaks to me of God's common grace. The real world is the world out there, where you and I live in right now. A place constantly bombarded with negativity and hypocrisy. If it's impossible in the eyes of the world, it is impossible for you. It simply just can't be done. However, the fantasy world in the movie is likened to the kingdom of God. Not that God's kingdom is a fantasy or a realm of illusion of unrealism. The fantasy world in the movie believes that there is true love and there's no such thing as impossibilities. As long as one holds on to the child-like faith and keeps one's heart open to opportunities and new experiences, one can lead a carefree life filled with joy, hope and purpose. Who cares about what other people think? Think about your own life and building your life around your purpose! The true love we have is the agape love from God, and this is eternal, faithful and pure. In God, nothing shall be impossible. Despite what the world thinks, how the people around us despise us for our beliefs and committments, will you still hold on to your conviction? Will you still believe in God's promises and stand firm, even if they are spoken years ago? Will you still believe with all your heart that nothing is truly impossible if we put our circumstances in the hands of God? This came about from the scene when Giselle (the lead actress) felt angry for the first time with Robert (the lead actor) and realized what she was feeling was actually called anger. That was another "BLOND" moment. Haha! Amazing!
So my draw is it's an interesting movie! Quite emotionally satisfying I should say. You guys should watch! The next movie I want to watch is Golden Compass. W309 and E237 let's go watch together!
Anyway, we went to a Brazilian restaurant at Vivocity for lunch. I think the food is authentic! The pictures are not exactly very depictive of the taste. So it can't really do much talking. Haha..pardon the mediocre photographic skills.

But most importantly, it helps people lose weight and trim their waists! :)