Sorry for the delay guys! Hehs..know I took a super long time...pardon me for the lousy connection and my insistence in using slide.com. Hehs...And I can't believe it...a whooping 200+ photos in one night! Some of them are really quite unglam though..hahas...
And really wanna thank everyone who was there to celebrate my birthday with me!
To W309: You guys are the best cg members I can ever ask for! Thanks for being such wonderful brothers and sisters..it's really an honor to run this race together with you all! Thanks for making me feel so loved in every way and for making a difference in my life, no matter how short or long I've known you! You guys make church so fun and enjoyable! Thanks for making my birthday so beautiful and memorable! Love you all!! :)
To Kel: My greatest and dearest leader! I know it's weird to say this now..but the same words again - I'll definitely not be who I am today without you :) You have made a huge impact in my life and it's really a great pleasure and honor to be serving God and people together with you..And truly blessed and privileged to be your disciple, member and friend. love ya!! :)
To Myrna~: My precious sister..indeed I first got to know you in Taiwan..shared the same room, the same bed, the same makeup...and laughing at each other about our *oh man!!..once again!* quiet time, not to forget our spastic and embarrassing behaviors. Hahas it was really fun with you around! And there was SOT...which really drew us a lot closer...really so thankful to be in the same team with you! You made such a great difference...we grew together, prayed for each other, and encouraged each other...and there's your infamous fishermen's friend..that never fail to save me when my head decides to submit to some funny physics law which I forgot, and oscillates in every position I dare not imagine...and there's the shoes!! Hahaha..*you know what I mean*...oh wells, you really hold a special position in my heart and I'm really thankful to have known you! Love ya girl! :)
To Sarah!: It's been an intimidating experience with you at the beginning (Tell me about it! hahas)...but thanks for believing in me all the way! And spurring me to move greater for God! Thanks for being my counselor when I used to be supremely down and out (like frequently!)..haha. Let's meet up soon for our mapo toufu! :) Love ya!! :)
And thank you Lord, for blessing me with such wonderful friends and leaders in my life..and granting me the desires of my heart..
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