Sunday, September 21, 2008

shooting it off

"We need to have some order in this place. And the order for today is chaos." - someone

Thought that was not bad huh.

I had a dream a few nights ago about someone. I woke up wondering why I dreamt about the person because I haven't interacted with the person for quite a while. I can't exactly remember the details but it wasn't a good dream. Today, I heard something about the person. I was initially shocked, then dismayed. It really saddens me to hear that, especially after all that we have spoken and shared. And I suddenly felt it was such a close reflection of my dream a few days back. How coincidental.

Life is indeed unpredictable. Urgh. Snap out of your idealism chew. This is not a utopian society.

I went for cell group at The Edge this week. The house is absolutely beautiful. My dream house went through some major upgrading after the visit that night. haha. But more than that, it was what I learnt and caught during the cgm. A very simple message: We can only do what God wants and live the life that God wants us to live ONLY with the Holy Spirit.

I'm excited because I saw cgm in another perspective. I was once again reminded that people go for cg to receive fresh manna from heaven and be transformed.

During service today, God spoke to me again about the Holy Spirit. It's the same subject for the 3rd time this week. I realize God speaks a lot to me through pictures, people and repetitions. Ptl, point taken! I think I'm starting to see something more.

For some unknown reason I've been feeling extremely tired this week. I hope next week will be more fulfilling for me.

I need to pray more. I sense a ground which I desperately have to break.

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