Thursday, September 20, 2007

Intrinsic Motivation

A high self-monitor look for cues in the situation to tell them how to behave.
- show considerable adaptability in their behavior
- highly sensitive to external cues and can behave differently in different situations
- capable of presenting striking contradictions between the public persona and the private self
- demonstrate greater flexibility in adapting their leadership style to changing situations

A low self-monitor use their own values and motives to guide their behavior.
- less aware of or concerned with their impact on others
- usually reflect their inner feelings and attitudes
- less likely to change or adjust in each new context

Self-monitoring involves 3 major and somewhat distinct tendencies:
a) The willingness to be the centre of attention (tendency to behave in outgoing, extraverted ways)

b) Sensitivity to the reactions of others

c) Ability and willingness to adjust to behavior to induce positive reactions in others

Are you a high self-monitor or a low self-monitor?
0-12: Low
13-25: High

I did this test of 25 questions during my social psyc class yesterday! The lesson was on self-perception and self-knowledge.

Score: 9
I'm a low self-monitor. Eeeew..I want to increase =S

I also learnt a new word I can use to pray during social psyc class.

I n t r i n s i c M o t i v a t i o n
God, give me more intrinsic motivation to do the things I need to do.
Help me to be faithful even when the extrinsic factors are not present.

I was reminded of a saying...

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I want to be tough.

I see the common grace working through my social psyc class yesterday. Praise the Lord.

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