A pure heart
That's what I long for
A heart that follows hard after Thee
A pure heart
That's what I long for
A heart that follows hard after Thee
A heart that hides your Word
So that sin will not come in
A heart that's undivided
But one you rule and reign
A heart that beats compassion
One that pleases You my Lord
A sweet aroma of worship
That rises to Your throne
That's what I long for
A heart that follows hard after Thee
A pure heart
That's what I long for
A heart that follows hard after Thee
A heart that hides your Word
So that sin will not come in
A heart that's undivided
But one you rule and reign
A heart that beats compassion
One that pleases You my Lord
A sweet aroma of worship
That rises to Your throne
You need to be driven
You need to be strong
You need to have a vision
You need values and convictions
You need love
You need faith
You need unwavering decisiveness
And you need a progressive relationship with the Almighty God
To be faithful in the little things
To know that you can stand up again when you fall
To know that you can do greater things than you think
To know that you can be happy, live a colorful life and not compromise on your own convictions
To know that you can be in this world but not of the world
To know that you can be in this world but yet live a life with a pure heart
To not compromise to your flesh
To not compromise to the standards of the world
And in all these...
Not by power nor by might but by His Spirit.
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